My story.

"Hi, I'm Jonathan. If you ask anyone who knows me, they'll tell you that becoming a personal trainer was never on the cards for me.

I know the struggles of weight loss all too well. I've been there—setting New Year's resolutions with determination, only to lose motivation and slip back into old habits. Eating junk beyond even feeling full and wondering for what reason.

Despite moments of great progress, maintaining the extreme lifestyle changes I implemented to achieve them proved too challenging. Not to mention the never-ending plateaus I just couldn’t make sense of. There were times I'd be consuming as little as 1400 calories, yet I still couldn’t lose weight—it was a frustrating experience, to say the least.

It took me longer than I hoped, but eventually, I was able to lose around 25 kilograms. The lesson I learned? Quick fixes are just that—temporary. My mantra became taking a step back to take two forward. I shifted from endless cardio to prioritizing weight training and overhauled how I approached nutrition with a focus on what I could maintain for a lifetime.

My journey wasn't a walk in the park, but it taught me invaluable lessons that I want to share with those of you facing similar challenges. I want you to know your goals are more achievable than you might believe.

As a Level 3 Qualified personal trainer and someone who’s been in your position, I bring a wealth of expertise to guide you. Let's navigate this journey together—I'm here to help you take those two steps forward."